Saturday 21 December 2013

Charity Shop Challenge

So I have not been on here since October! Oops, but I am going to be on here a lot more from Jan 1st! This is because this is when my Charity Shop challenge starts, where I am only going to be buying my clothes from charity shops, for a whole year! It's very exciting, and I am hoping to blog and vlog some of it :)
I am really excited to try this because as much as I love some clothes from high street shops, shopping in them stresses me out, the people, what to buy, trying to keep up with whatever trends are in.. I find shopping in charity shops so exciting, I could spend hours in them! so you may be thinking it won't be a challenge for me but I am pretty sure it will! I do buy clothes from them regularly but I've never found jeans or trousers in them, or coats so it's going to be interesting. And also ofcourse it means all the money I spend on clothes will be going to charity, lots of different charities! Which is amazing. Charity shops also tend to be bloody cheap! So I can start saving my money from my new job to pay off my overdraft or save, or whatever :) So atm I am really super excited for it and I can't wait to start! I thought I'd get in the charity shop mood by showing you a playsuit I got the other day from scope! I am in love with it! It has a super cute black and white aztec print and was originally from glamourous which I think they sell at New look? It was only £5 and fits really nice! It isn't too lose on the top so doesn't make me look bigger than I am as it goes in nice at the waist, but it's quite loose at the bottom so feels kinda like a dress and it's super comfy.

Also these photos were taken with my new Nikon L820 bridge camera which I am very excited to play around with! As will be using it a lot soon! :)
But yes, more will be happening on here soon, promise :)

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